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Opera Studio

The Volksoper Wien has made it its heart's project to keep music theatre alive, up-to-date, young and top-class in all its facets. The promotion of young artists must be an elementary part of this project, because: The future begins today! With the 2022/23 season, thanks to generous private support, the foundation of a new opera studio at the Volksoper was made possible. Six international singers and a pianist will be accompanied in this programme for two years on their way between studies and professional life. They receive regular coaching, master classes, acting, dance and language lessons, workshops to prepare them for the special mental and physical challenges of everyday life as an artist, auditions, tools for their career management and, of course, the opportunity to take their first steps in their own opera studio productions, but also on the stage of the Volksoper.

But the creative power of the young studio members should also be able to unfold beyond this. The opera studio is a place where a lively and collective examination of music theatre takes place. The individuality of each member thus flows directly into the results of the work, into the search for new forms of performance, venues and perspectives on music theatre. This wide-ranging offer of the opera studio is intended to give the participating artists the opportunity to grow personally. Vocally, professionally, musically, as actors, but also in terms of content and as human beings. The Volksoper Wien wants to make its contribution to the further development of a professional image and the genre of music theatre with independent and stubborn personalities.

Accompany Mira Alkhovik (soprano), Hannah Fheodoroff (mezzo-soprano), Camila Aquilera Yáñez (mezzo-soprano), Seiyoung Kim (tenor), Trevor Haumschilt-Rocha (baritone), Smelo Mahlangu (bass-baritone) and Christopher Flaskamp (piano) on their journey in the first year of the 2nd generation of the Opera Studio and become the eyes and ears of the future of musical theater!

Events of the Opera Studio

In addition to the Südbahnhotel Semmering, we have already been able to find many event and cooperation partners for the Opera Studio's projects, such as the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, IKEA Westbahnhot Vienna, the mdw, Casinos Austria and the Ottakringer Brewery.