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Legal information 

Media owner/publisher
Volksoper Wien GmbH
Währinger Straße 78, 1090 Wien 
Telefon: +43/1/51444-0 
Fax: +43/1/51444-3215 
Internet: http://www.volksoper.at
E-Mail: office@volksoper.at

Artistic Manager
Lotte de Beer

Commercial Manager
Mag. Christoph Ladstätter

Object of the company:
Music and dance theatre

Commercial Register number: FN 184078 d
Court of registration: Vienna Commercial Court
VAT ID number: ATU 473 17906

Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform. You can also send any complaints to office@volksoper.at.

Volksoper Wien GmbH is an economically as well as artistically autonomous company and is 100% owned by Bundestheater-Holding GmbH. The members of the supervisory board can be found here.

Marketing Department of Volksoper Wien with support from Getdesigned

Design & technical realisation
Sandra Hruza and Getdesigned GmbH

Content Management System

Gentics CMS

Corporate Design
Sandra Hruza, Christof Hetzer