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(c)Andreas Jakwerth
© Andreas Jakwerth

Zsolt Török

The Hungarian Zsolt Török received his education in Györ and at the Hungarian Dance Academy in Budapest, where he trained mainly with Szilárd Macher. Since 2012 he is a member of the Vienna State Ballet. At the beginning of the 2020/21 season, he has been promoted to demi-soloist of the Vienna State Ballet. His most important roles comprise the title role in Rudolf Nureyevʼs »Don Quixote«, Prince Igor in John Cranko's »Onegin«, the Deer in Edward Clug’s »Peer Gynt«, Endymion in Manuel Legris' »Sylvia«, Ivan in Andrey Kaydanovskiy’s »Der Feuervogel«, Pater Lorenzo in Davide Bombana’s »Roméo et Juliette«, Der Namenlose in Patrick de Bana’s »Marie Antoinette«, Andreas II. and Hungarian Dance (soloist) in Rudolf Nureyev’s »Raymonda«, Spanish and Hungarian Dancer in Nureyev’s »Swan Lake«, Duke of Kurland in Elena Tchernichova’s »Giselle«, one of the four princes in Martin Schläpferʼs »The Sleeping Beauty«, Monsieur Duval and the Duke in John Neumeierʼs »Lady of the Camellias« as well as solo parts in Wayne McGregor’s »EDEN|EDEN«, John Neumeier’s »Le Sacre«, Patrick de Bana’s »Windspiele« and András Lukács' »Movements to Stravinsky«. Furthermore, he danced, amongst others, in Frederick Ashton’s »La Fille mal gardée«, George Balanchine’s »Jewels«, »Symphony in C«, »Theme and Variations« and »Liebeslieder Walzer«, William Forsythe’s »Artifact Suite«, Natalia Horecna’s »Contra Clockwise Witness«, Manuel Legris’ »Le Corsaire«, Edwaard Liang’s »Murmuration« and John Neumeier’s »Josephs Legende«, Jerome Robbins’ »The Concert« and »The Four Seasons«, Alexei Ratmansky's »Pictures at an Exhibition«, Mark Morris' »Beaux«, Heinz Spoerliʼs »Goldberg Variations«, Pierre Lacotte’s »Coppélia« as well as Martin Schläpfers »4« and »Ein Deutsches Requiem«. In 2019 he was awarded with the Promotion Prize of the Ballettclub Wiener Staatsoper & Volksoper.

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