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Two French villages 100 years ago have been at loggerheads for generations, although nobody knows exactly why. It is the children who are fighting this battle. They regularly meet in the forest and fight each other. However, the fact that clothes are torn and buttons are cut off in the process infuriates the parents, who give the children a hard time about it. The gang of rascals must therefore show all kinds of ingenuity in order to continue the brawls.

The stage version, written by Johanna Arrouas, is based on the classic children’s book by Louis Pergaud and the iconic film version. Well-known chansons convey the French savoir vivre.

Recommended from 6 years


Stage direction
Johanna Arrouas
Bühne und Kostüm
Christof Hetzer
Roman Hansi
Lighting design
Alex Brok
Martin Lukesch
Kind aus Longeverne
Finn Kossdorff
Kind aus Longeverne
Leopold Kierlinger
Kind aus Longeverne
Finley Hasler
Kind aus Longeverne
Philipp Gruber-Hirschbrich
Kind aus Longeverne
Simon Ferlesch
Kind aus Longeverne
Daniele Yvon
Kind aus Longeverne
Anna Rösel
Kind aus Longeverne
Paulina Eder
Kind aus Longeverne
Philippa Eisinger
Kind aus Velrans
Willibald Grassl
Kind aus Velrans
Benjamin Hengl
Kind aus Velrans
Leopold Wetter
Kind aus Velrans
Alexander Fassl
Kind aus Velrans
Thomas Appuwa Waduge
Kind aus Velrans
Rose Winiwarter
Marcel Lebrac, Lebracs Vater
Peter Lesiak
Jeanne, Maries Mutter
Ruth Brauer-Kvam
Louis, der Lehrer
Nicolaus Hagg
Joseph, der Gendarm
Christoph Stocker
Akkordeon und musikalische Leitung
Helmut Stippich
Andrea Wild