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Recommended for young audiences

Nurejews Hund
(Nureyev’s Dog)

A play for the whole family by Peter te Nuyl and Keren Kagarlitsky

In German language

The famous dancer Rudolf Nureyev has a dog. The dog lies on a cushion in the ballet studio and watches the dancers' feet. At home, he listens to the stories Nureyev tells about his life as a famous ballet dancer. When his master dies, Nureyev's dog goes to ballet mistress Marika, but the two don't like each other. Marika wants to give the dog to an animal shelter, but then she realizes that he has hidden qualities ... Nureyev's Dog tells a moving and funny story about friendship, trust and loss, about animals and people. With a collage of well-known ballet music, opera melodies, specially composed pieces and a colorful ensemble of dancers, actors and singers.

Duration: ca. 2h | Age: 8+ | Intermission: Yes

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The Sound of Music

Musical by Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II

In German language with English surtitles

The prospective convent sister Maria is entrusted with the care of the children of the widowed Baron von Trapp. She quickly grows fond of the family - and eventually accompanies their flight from the Nazis. The musical hit The Sound of Music tells of the power of singing and of courage in difficult times. Listen to all the famous songs like "Edelweiß".

Duration: 3h | Age: 6+ | Intermission: Yes

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Lauren Urquhart (Maria Rainer), Sarah Weidinger (Liesel), Kinderchor, Jugendchor

Die Zauberflöte
(The Magic Flute)

Opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In German language with English surtitles

A prince. The portrait of a beautiful princess. Love at first sight! Mozart's opera celebrates the indestructible power of love: young Tamino, together with the bird catcher Papageno and a magic flute, sets out to rescue Pamina, who has been kidnapped by Sarastro. The story is told with exuberant imagination - and numerous puppets and animals that accompany Tamino's journey.

Duration: 3h | Age: 9+ | Intermission: Yes

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Ballet by Pierre Lacotte
Music by Léo Delibes

The Vienna State Ballet opens the door to the house of the puppet-maker Coppélius, who is working on bringing an artificial human being to life, something no one has ever succeeded in doing before him. Coppélius has already been able to build mechanical dolls, and young Franz falls in love with one of them. Instead of his fiancée, he wants to conquer this magical creature. But what happens when he finds out that he has fallen in love with a doll? To the wonderful music of Léo Delibes, the dancers of the Vienna State Ballet bring this fairy tale alive.

Duration: 2h45 | Age: 6+ | Intermission: Yes

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(Fiddler on the Roof)

Musical by Jerry Bock

In German language

Somewhere in Russia, in the small shtetl of Anatevka: the poor milkman Tevje dreams of finally being rich. Then it would also be easier to put up with his daughters' highly unusual marriage plans! The musical Anatevka tells of hard times, of exclusion and of the importance of family.

Duration: 2h45 | Age: 9+ | Intermission: Yes

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Vanessa Zips (Chava), Lisa Habermann (Hodel), 
Anita Götz (Zeitel), Oliver Liebl (Mottel Kamzoil), Karl-Michael Ebner (Awram), Wiener Staatsballett

Jolanthe und der Nussknacker
(Jolanthe and the Nutcracker)

Musical theatre for the whole family based on the opera and ballet by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

In German language with German surtitles

Jolanthe is a blind princess. A famous doctor can cure her, but only if she is told about her blindness. Her father, however, wants to protect Jolanthe and keep this painful realisation a secret from her. The dancers of the Vienna State Ballet and the music of The Nutcracker show us Jolanthe's inner world. A poetic family performance for children and adults, between dance and song, with imaginative costumes, a seven-headed mouse king in the snow and a utopian ending.

Duration: 2h | Age: 8+ | Intermission: Yes

More information and tickets

Mila Schmidt (Jolanthe), Felipe Vieira (Prinz Nussknacker)

Hänsel und Gretel

Opera by Engelbert Humperdinck

In German language

Every child knows the story of the brother and sister Hansel and Gretel, who are trapped in the forest by the evil Witch. At the Volksoper, Humperdinck's dreamlike music and the fairytale-like production have enchanted many generations - even today, no one can escape the magic of this opera, young or old!

Duration: 2h | Age: 6+ | Intermission: Yes

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Kinderchor und Jugendchor der Volksoper Wien

Die Reise zum Mond
(The Journey to the Moon)

Opera for the whole family by Jacques Offenbach

In German language with German surtitles

Join King Flott, Prince Caprice and Microscope on a journey to the moon! What will the adventurers find out about the moon's inhabitants? And will Caprice and the moon princess Fantasia find each other, even though love on the moon is a disease?

This magic opera by Jacques Offenbach, based on the stories by Jules Verne, is sure to thrill you. The stars of this production are the children's choir and the youth choir - in other words, the youngest members of the Volksoper!

Duration: 2h | Age: 8+ | Intermission: Yes

More information and tickets

Jaye Simmons (Flamma), Christoph Stocker (König Kosmos), Jonathan Hamouda Kügler (Kaktus), Jugendchor, Kinderchor

My Fair Lady

Musical by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe

In German language with English surtitles

Eliza Doolittle works as a simple flower girl on the streets of London. Professor Higgins wants to turn her into a fine lady of British society by teaching her to speak perfectly. But what does this unfamiliar new life do to Eliza's feelings, and is the rise to a new social class really that easy?

Duration: 2h30 | Age: 9+ | Intermisson: Yes

More information and tickets

Manuel Rubey (Oberst Pickering), Paula Nocker (Eliza Doolittle), Markus Meyer (Prof. Henry Higgins)

On Sunday mornings there are great family productions to be seen.
Check out our Junge Volksoper family matinees here!